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Polyorganics Compost is made by using beneficial microbes to turn organic feedstock into rich, natural, plant food. By ensuring that we use only the best ingredients and methods, we have engineered a high-quality product that not only nourishes plants but also revives and enhances the soil climate around it. 

Our Compost is designed to release nutrients slowly over months which gradually feeds plants throughout the season, unlike synthetic fertilisers that dump nutrients into the soil faster than the plant's system can handle.

It also buffers the soil, neutralising both overly acidic & overly alkaline soils, bringing pH levels to the optimum range for plant nutrient availability. Our Compost contains a full spectrum of essential plant nutrients such as macro and micronutrients that are often absent in synthetic fertilisers. Lab results are available on request.

Polyorganics Compost is designed to help bind clusters of soil particles in such a way as to provide the ideal soil structure to hold air, moisture, and nutrients. Which means that it helps sandy soil retain water and nutrients. Loosens tightly bound particles in clay or silt soils. Allowing roots to spread, water to drain, air to penetrate and promote nutrient availability.


Most importantly Polyorganics Compost is designed to rehabilitate and rejuvenate the microbial ecosystem of fungi, beneficial bacteria and other microbes that live in all soils and are responsible for most of the work that is done to provide plants with life-giving nutrients, and who are the worst affected by incorrect fertiliser use and who if neglected can result in the loss of all fertility in soil. 


Polyorganics Compost is designed to rejuvenate, enhance, and maintain any type of soil in any bed. 

Lawn Dressing

Polyorganics Lawn Dressing is made by using Polyorganics Compost as a base to make sure that all the nutritional and soil structure benefits are also present, such as;


Releasing nutrients slowly over months to gradually feed lawns throughout the season, buffering soil, neutralising both overly acidic & overly alkaline soils, bringing pH levels to the optimum range for plant nutrient availability, containing a full spectrum of essential plant nutrients containing all macro and micronutrients, providing the ideal soil structure to hold air, moisture and nutrients, helping sandy soil retain water and nutrients, loosening tightly bound particles in clay or silt soils, allowing roots to spread, water to drain & air to penetrate. And most importantly rehabilitating and rejuvenating the microbial ecosystem of fungi, beneficial bacteria and other microbes that live in all soils and are responsible for most of the work that is done to provide plants with life-giving nutrients.


Our Compost base is mixed with screened topsoil, this means that our Lawn dressing is ideal to even out any irregularities that are present on an uneven lawn, filling hollows & softening bumps. All while providing everything needed to stimulate lawns to produce new shoots, develop stronger roots which results in denser grass cover, healthier lawns, and a happier garden for everyone.

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